Silver Halide Prints

Silver Halide Prints

Constantly refined over the years, true photographic (silver halide) technology is reliable, dependable and affordable — and delivers beautiful, long lasting prints. Created using light-sensitive paper and silver-based chemistry, Silver Halide Prints offer constant colour under different light sources, unmatched longevity (no noticeable colour change after 200 years in albums), and durability.

The highly efficient Silver Halide workflow delivers low prices with no loss of quality — great news for photographers doing volume work such as school and event photographers. Also for Wedding and portrait photographers offering albums and multiple prints.

Because images are embedded in the paper, they're ideal for loose prints, boxes and albums, where the prints are subject to more handling.

You can read more about the Silver Halide printing process here. 

Silver Halide Lustre is our most popular print option by far, producing accurate skin tones with a neutral tone scale from highlights to shadows. It offers bold rich blacks, clean whites and an increased colour gamut for stronger, brighter, more vibrant colours. Silver Halide Lustre is available as loose prints and in our albums, boxes and frames.

Silver Halide Glossy is ideal for teams, class groups etc, offering clean, sharp text.

Silver Halide prints are limited to sizes that can be printed on 12" wide stock. For larger prints, please check out our Inkjet prints.

Prices vary depending on the quantity ordered. A limited range of the most popular sizes is discounted even further. Custom sizes and Multisheets (multiple copies of the same image on a single print) are also available.


*Photographers and designers only. Login to view pricing and order products.